We are doubling the size of the garden this year, which means that we will have to pull up some of the lawn. Currently, I have a flat yard behind my house, with a low wall on the side where there are 4 boxes, about 4' x 4', with sections in between that are maybe 2' or 3', and we plant all in there. There is another box at the end that has raspberries bushes that were planted before I moved in. Our new plan is to build new boxes out from the old ones, with a path in between. We are going to mulch some of the tree limbs I have out there for the path. We are also going to move all the herbs up to a section of ground next to my patio. I have a fig tree that I am going to plant in another section of the yard, and I am either going to get a couple of apple trees or a peach tree as well. This weekend I am going to go out and start chopping down one of the Bradford pear trees I have in my yard. I have two, and I want them both gone, but one of them is enormous, and I will definitely need some professional help with that one. The other one is relatively small, though, so I should be able to cut down several of the limbs myself, and then finish it off with Marsha and Melissa's help when they come for garden installation.
I am saving the expense to get the big tree professionally cut down until next year. I am also seriously considering doing a sturdy grape arbor next year. Even if I get someone to help me and build it myself, that will cost some money, what with setting posts into concrete and making it nice and sturdy, but I love the idea of putting some chairs under the grape arbor and relaxing in the shade under my grapes in the summer. I may even start researching wine making. How cool would that be? I am not sure how realistic that plan is, but I plan to look into it.
We are doing a lot of household chores this weekend, inside and out. Here is my tentative plan for the weekend:
- Finish stripping the caulk from my bathtub and recaulk the tub, so that we can use the shower without worrying about destroying the walls from leaking water
- Remove the part of my bathroom sink drainage pipe with the hole in it, so that I am sure to get the right replacement part
- Go to Home Depot and get:
- A new drainage pipe
- Plumbers tape
- Some safety goggles (for the tree trimming)
- Go to Target for some more shelves for the basement
- Grocery shopping (I will do my menu and shopping list tonight)
- Have the girl cut down the ornamental grasses so that the new growth can come up
- Have both kids bag up the resulting straw for pickup on Monday
- Start cutting down tree limbs
- Work on organizing the basement, getting rid of as much stuff as possible
- Clean out the pantry
- Go through the pile of papers on my desk
- Make some lunch salads for the week, maybe do some baking (scones, muffins)
- Laundry, laundry, laundry...
It is supposed to be nice on Saturday, then rain on Sunday, so I hope to get the outside tasks completed Saturday, and do some of the organizing on Sunday. Maybe it is a Spring thing but I am very driven these days to organize and clean my house. Not that I was a total slob before, but I have a lot more drive and motivation and even excitement than I have the past few months. It is nice to check things off the list, and the house is so much more peaceful when it is in order. I am not planning on everything on this list being completely finished, but I would like to make some progress.
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